Last January, in Episode #1507, Bill took a look at generating Random Numbers around a Standard Deviation using ” =NORM.INV [Normal Inverse]. Today, in Episode #1663 the Question from Gary is: “How do we create a Bell Curve in Microsoft Excel?”. Follow along with Bill as he shows us how to use “NORM.S.DIST” to create a Standard Bell Curve or NORM.DIST to create a Normal Distribution around any Mean with a particular Standard Deviation.

Update in April 2023. I have a new video showing how to do the bell curve with just two formulas. Check out the new video here:

Update: to plot your own data on a bell curve, see episode 2217:

Table of Contents
(0:00) Welcome to Create a Bell Curve in Excel
(0:24) Generate 61 numbers from -3 to +3
(0:55) Explanation of three standard deviations
(1:18) Using NORM.S.DIST function
(1:44) Creating the Line chart
(2:05) Mean of zero and standard deviation of 1
(2:10) Changing the mean and standard deviation
(2:49) Using NORM.DIST function
(3:15) Creating a Scatter chart or X-Y chart

…This episode is the video podcast companion to the book, “Learn Excel 2007 through Excel 2010 from MrExcel”. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 512 Excel Mysteries Solved! and 35% More Tips than the previous edition of Bill’s book!

“The Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast Series” — Your One Stop for Excel Tips and Solutions. Visit us today!

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